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Monday, July 27, 2009

Thing Facebook

I have been on Facebook since January and I have contacted many old friends...I am concerned about the issue of people asking me to friend and I don't want them...some are very persistant. I would love for more info to float around about who should not 'friend' you...for example-parents of students...I can't see how this is going to work well all the time...
I would love to do something about a bookclub but I fear elementary students are too young for facebook;just stick to the blog idea.

1 comment:

Miss Lee said...

I agree that elementary students are too young for FB... in addition, I believe FB does, too. You have to be 13 to join, although some clever birthdate manipulation could get a younger child on the site pretty easily. I also do not like people "friending" me that I don't know. I have become the queen of the "ignore" button. When I started FB, I friended everyone. Now I realize that I do not want to be friends with any former students or parents, but that doesn't help the ones I already friended. A wonderful site, though. Nice post.